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Introdução: A sexualidade, presente ao longo da vida, é na adolescência que ela se
manifesta com mais intensidade. O início da actividade sexual pode ser considerado um dos
momentos com maior impacto na vida do adolescente, tornando-se assim importante
conhecer quais as motivações que estão na base da decisão de iniciar ou não a actividade
Objectivos: São objectivos deste trabalho identificar as variáveis sociodemográficas
que influenciam a motivação dos adolescentes para fazer ou não fazer sexo e analisar de
que forma as experiências/vivências da sexualidade (namoro, experiência de
relacionamento intimo e sexual e interlocutor preferencial para falar de sexualidade),
influenciam a motivação para fazer ou não fazer sexo.
Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de análise quantitativa, não experimental com
características de um estudo descritivo e correlacional. A amostra é constituída 545
adolescentes, com uma idade média de 13,95 anos a frequentar o 3º ciclo do ensino básico
de quatro agrupamentos de escolas. O protocolo de avaliação inclui um questionário, que
numa primeira parte possibilitou fazer a caracterização sociodemográfica e sexual da
amostra e na segunda parte foi incluída a “Escala de motivação para fazer ou não fazer
sexo”(LEAL; MAROCO,2010).
Resultados: O estudo revela haver diferenças estatísticas altamente significativas
entre o sexo e a motivação dos adolescentes para fazer ou não fazer sexo (p=0,000), os
rapazes são os que se apresentam mais motivados, para fazer sexo por motivos de
hedonismo e saúde, e não fazer sexo por medo, conservadorismo/desinteresse e porque é
imoral. De referir que a motivação das raparigas está relacionada com interdependência
relacional. Os adolescentes que escolhem a mãe para falar de sexualidade apresentam-se
motivados para fazer sexo (p=0,001), valorizando mais aspectos relacionados com
hedonismo e saúde (p=0,001). Também a motivação sexual dos adolescentes é influenciada
pelo tipo de experiencias de relacionamento intimo e sexual que já vivenciou.
Conclusão: Conhecer os factores que influenciam a motivação dos adolescentes
para fazer ou não fazer sexo, permite aos pais e profissionais desenvolver estratégias de
intervenção dirigidas às reais necessidades dos adolescentes.
Palavras-chave: adolescentes, adolescência, sexualidade, motivação, sexo.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Sexuality, present throughout life, manifests itself more strongly during adolescence. The onset of sexual activity can be considered one of the moments with a greater impact on adolescents’ life, making it important to know what motivations underlie the decision to initiate or not sexual activity. Objectives: The aims of this work are to identify socio-demographic variables that influence the motivation of teenagers to have or not have sex, and to analyse how the experience/experiences of sexuality (dating, intimate and sexual relationship, and preferred partner to talk about sexuality) influence the motivation to have or not do sex. Methods: This study is a quantitative analysis, not experimental, with the characteristics of a descriptive and correlational study. The sample consists of 545 adolescents, with an average age of 13.95 years who attend the 3rd cycle of basic education in Portugal, in four groups of schools. The evaluation protocol includes a questionnaire, divided in two parts, the first enabled the sexual and socio-demographic characterisation of the sample and the second part included the "Scale of motivation to do or not to have sex" (LEAL; MAROCO, 2010). Results: The study revealed a highly significant statistical difference between sex and adolescents' motivation to have or not to have sex (p = 0.000). Boys are the ones who are more motivated to have sex for reasons of health and hedonism, and those who don’t, give as reasons fear, conservatism, disinterest and because it is immoral. It should be noted that the motivation of girls is related to relational interdependence. Teenagers who choose their mother to talk to about sexuality are motivated to have sex (p = 0.001), giving more weight to aspects of hedonism and health (p = 0.001). Also the sexual motivation of adolescents is influenced by the experiences of sexual and intimate relationship already experienced. Conclusion: To know the factors that influence the motivation of adolescents to have sex or not, allows parents and professionals the development of intervention strategies directed at the real needs of adolescents. Keywords: adolescents, adolescence, sexuality, motivation, sex.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Sexuality, present throughout life, manifests itself more strongly during adolescence. The onset of sexual activity can be considered one of the moments with a greater impact on adolescents’ life, making it important to know what motivations underlie the decision to initiate or not sexual activity. Objectives: The aims of this work are to identify socio-demographic variables that influence the motivation of teenagers to have or not have sex, and to analyse how the experience/experiences of sexuality (dating, intimate and sexual relationship, and preferred partner to talk about sexuality) influence the motivation to have or not do sex. Methods: This study is a quantitative analysis, not experimental, with the characteristics of a descriptive and correlational study. The sample consists of 545 adolescents, with an average age of 13.95 years who attend the 3rd cycle of basic education in Portugal, in four groups of schools. The evaluation protocol includes a questionnaire, divided in two parts, the first enabled the sexual and socio-demographic characterisation of the sample and the second part included the "Scale of motivation to do or not to have sex" (LEAL; MAROCO, 2010). Results: The study revealed a highly significant statistical difference between sex and adolescents' motivation to have or not to have sex (p = 0.000). Boys are the ones who are more motivated to have sex for reasons of health and hedonism, and those who don’t, give as reasons fear, conservatism, disinterest and because it is immoral. It should be noted that the motivation of girls is related to relational interdependence. Teenagers who choose their mother to talk to about sexuality are motivated to have sex (p = 0.001), giving more weight to aspects of hedonism and health (p = 0.001). Also the sexual motivation of adolescents is influenced by the experiences of sexual and intimate relationship already experienced. Conclusion: To know the factors that influence the motivation of adolescents to have sex or not, allows parents and professionals the development of intervention strategies directed at the real needs of adolescents. Keywords: adolescents, adolescence, sexuality, motivation, sex.
Adolescente Motivação Sexualidade Adolescent Motivation Sexuality
Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu