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O autocuidado Ă© indispensĂĄvel Ă conservação da vida e resulta do crescimento diĂĄrio da pessoa, na experiĂȘncia como cuidador de si mesmo e de quem faz parte das suas relaçÔes. Ă a chave dos cuidados de saĂșde, sendo interpretado como uma orientação para a ação de enfermagem que, atravĂ©s das açÔes de autocuidado, podem implementar intervençÔes para a promoção da saĂșde e/ou prevenção da doença.
Os objetivos do estudo direcionam-se para a importĂąncia na identificação do perfil de autocuidado dos idosos, ou seja, na determinação dos diferentes nĂveis de dependĂȘncia no autocuidado dos idosos a residir em lar. Entendemos este conhecimento, (proveniente dos resultados do estudo) como um contributo relevante no sentido de melhorar o modo como o apoio e/ou a ajuda pode ser ajustada a cada indivĂduo, uma vez que estas adaptaçÔes sĂł sĂŁo possĂveis perante o diagnĂłstico real da dependĂȘncia das pessoas.
Metodologia: Este estudo inclui-se num paradigma de investigação quantitativa, do tipo nĂŁo experimental, transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A população em estudo sĂŁo os idosos residentes no lar ResidĂȘncia Rainha D. Leonor em Viseu. Utilizou-se uma amostra nĂŁo probabilĂstica acidental, em função do peso relativo dos idosos desta instituição constituĂda por 136 idosos. O instrumento de colheita de dados inclui a escala de dependĂȘncia no autocuidado.
Resultados: Os idosos sĂŁo maioritariamente mulheres, viĂșvas, com baixa instrução literĂĄria e com mĂ©dia de idade de 86 anos. Verificamos que as patologias predominantes sĂŁo do foro cardĂaco (70,6%), osteoarticular (62,5%) e neurolĂłgico (55,1%).
Considerando o nĂvel global de dependĂȘncia no autocuidado, verificamos que 46,4% da amostra Ă© independente, 36,0% Ă© dependente em grau elevado e 17,6% dependente em grau parcial, ou seja, 53,6% apresenta algum grau de dependĂȘncia no autocuidado.
ConclusĂŁo: Os resultados deste estudo permitem a aquisição de conhecimento e desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias que sĂŁo de extrema importĂąncia na prĂĄtica de cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação, pois as necessidades de saĂșde desta população sofrem contĂnuas modificaçÔes ao longo do processo de envelhecimento, exigindo prĂĄticas atualizadas, no sentido de abranger a promoção dos processos de preservação e de autonomia.
Palavras-Chave: Autocuidado, Idoso, Institucionalização.
Abstract Self-care is essential to preserve life and results from person's daily growth in experience as a caregiver for himself and who is part of his relationship. It is the key of health care, being interpreted as a guideline for nursing action, which through self-care actions can implement interventions for health promotion and/or prevention of disease. The aims of the study are directed toward the importance to identify the profile of the elderly self-care, ie, for determining the different levels of dependence on self-care of the elderly to live at nursing homes. We understand this knowledge (from the study results) as an important contribution towards improving the way the support and/or help can be adjusted to each individual, as these adaptations are only possible before the realistic diagnosis of dependence people. Methodology: This study is included in a quantitative research paradigm, of non-experimental type, transversal descriptive and correlational. The study population are the elderly living in nursing home ResidĂȘncia Rainha D. Leonor, in Viseu. We used an accidental non probabilistic sample, depending on the relative weight of the elderly of this institution made up of 136 elderly. The data collection instrument includes the scale of dependence in self-care. Results: The elderly are mostly women, widows with low literary instruction and with an average age of 86 years. We found that the predominant pathologies are heart disorders (70.6%), osteoarticular (62.5%), and neurologic (55.1%). Considering the global dependency on self-care, we found that 46.4% of the sample is independent, 36.0% is highly dependent and 17.6% is partially dependent, ie, 53.6% of the elderly showed some degree of dependence in self-care. Conclusion: The results of this study allow the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills that are of utmost importance in the practice of rehabilitation nursing care because the health needs of this population suffers continuous changes throughout the aging process, requiring updated practices in order to promote the preservation processes and the autonomy. Keywords: Self-care, Elderly, Institution.
Abstract Self-care is essential to preserve life and results from person's daily growth in experience as a caregiver for himself and who is part of his relationship. It is the key of health care, being interpreted as a guideline for nursing action, which through self-care actions can implement interventions for health promotion and/or prevention of disease. The aims of the study are directed toward the importance to identify the profile of the elderly self-care, ie, for determining the different levels of dependence on self-care of the elderly to live at nursing homes. We understand this knowledge (from the study results) as an important contribution towards improving the way the support and/or help can be adjusted to each individual, as these adaptations are only possible before the realistic diagnosis of dependence people. Methodology: This study is included in a quantitative research paradigm, of non-experimental type, transversal descriptive and correlational. The study population are the elderly living in nursing home ResidĂȘncia Rainha D. Leonor, in Viseu. We used an accidental non probabilistic sample, depending on the relative weight of the elderly of this institution made up of 136 elderly. The data collection instrument includes the scale of dependence in self-care. Results: The elderly are mostly women, widows with low literary instruction and with an average age of 86 years. We found that the predominant pathologies are heart disorders (70.6%), osteoarticular (62.5%), and neurologic (55.1%). Considering the global dependency on self-care, we found that 46.4% of the sample is independent, 36.0% is highly dependent and 17.6% is partially dependent, ie, 53.6% of the elderly showed some degree of dependence in self-care. Conclusion: The results of this study allow the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills that are of utmost importance in the practice of rehabilitation nursing care because the health needs of this population suffers continuous changes throughout the aging process, requiring updated practices in order to promote the preservation processes and the autonomy. Keywords: Self-care, Elderly, Institution.
Acidentes por quedas Auto-cuidado Envelhecimento Factores de risco Idoso Institucionalização Accidental falls Aged Aging Institutionalization Risk factors Self care