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Comprehensive Evaluation of Deepfake Detection Models: Accuracy, Generalization, and Resilience to Adversarial Attacks
Publication . Abbasi, Maryam; ANTUNES VAZ, PAULO JOAQUIM; Silva, José; Martins, Pedro
The rise of deepfakes—synthetic media generated using artificial intelli gence—threatens digital content authenticity, facilitating misinformation and manipu lation. However, deepfakes can also depict real or entirely fictitious individuals, leveraging state-of-the-art techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and emerging diffusion-based models. Existing detection methods face challenges with generalization across datasets and vulnerability to adversarial attacks. This study focuses on subsets of frames extracted from the DeepFake Detection Challenge (DFDC) and FaceForensics++ videos to evaluate three convolutional neural network architectures—XCeption, ResNet, and VGG16—for deepfake detection. Performance metrics include accuracy, precision, F1-score, AUC-ROC, and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), combined with an assessment of resilience to adversarial perturbations via the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM). Among the tested models, XCeption achieves the highest accuracy (89.2% on DFDC), strong generalization, and real-time suitability, while VGG16 excels in precision and ResNet provides faster inference. However, all models exhibit reduced performance under adversarial conditions, underscoring the need for enhanced resilience. These find ings indicate that robust detection systems must consider advanced generative approaches, adversarial defenses, and cross-dataset adaptation to effectively counter evolving deep fake threats
Publication . Amante, Susana
26/02/2025, 18:12NARRATIVA VISUAL E ALTERIDADE EM MAMA’S SLEEPING SCARF, D…E: IDENTIDADE CULTURAL E REPRESENTAÇÕES | Revista Prâksis Page 1 of 2 Atual Arquivos Notícias Sobre Buscar Susana Amante Instituto Politécnico de Viseu DOI: Palavras-chave: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie., Literatura infantil., Pós- colonialismo, Semiótica Visual., Identidade, Género, Alteridade e Representações. Resumo Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie é uma reconhecida autora nigeriana, cuja obra literária explora temas como identidade, género, pós-colonialismo e cultura. O presente artigo analisa a forma como em Mama’s Sleeping Scarf, a sua primeira incursão na literatura infantil, Adichie oferece uma narrativa simples, mas profunda, que celebra a cultura africana e a diversidade familiar. A narrativa, centrada em Chino, uma menina nigeriana, utiliza o lenço de dormir da mãe como um símbolo de conexão intergeracional e identidade cultural. Adichie desafia estereótipos ao retratar uma mãe trabalhadora e um pai envolvido nas tarefas domésticas, subvertendo papéis tradicionais de género. A obra destaca-se pelas suas ilustrações vibrantes que refletem a herança cultural nigeriana, enquanto o texto aborda de forma acessível temas complexos como equidade de género e diversidade cultural. Mama’s Sleeping Scarf é uma contribuição significativa para a literatura infantil, descolonizando-a ao oferecer uma representação positiva e inclusiva da cultura africana. Através desta obra, Adichie reafirma seu compromisso com a representação cultural e a construção de narrativas que promovem a compreensão intercultural desde a infância.
The Impact of Dual-Career Support Systems on Perceived Barriers Among European Student-Athletes with Disabilities
Publication . Alejandro Leiva-Arcas; Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal; Lourdes Meroño; María José Maciá-Andreu; Juan Alfonso García-Roca; Lucía Abenza-Cano; et al.; Pereira, Antonino
: The aim of this study was to compare the socio-demographic, sporting characteristics and perceptions of student-athletes with disabilities of perceived barriers according to the state system of dual career support. Two hundred and twelve student-athletes with disabilities from two European countries with state centralisation in dual career-related education competences (n = 97) and three European countries with a laissez-faire system (n = 115) participated in this research. The perceptions of dual-career student-athletes (ESTPORT) questionnaire, the exercise benefits/barriers scale (EBBS), and the athletic identity measurement scale (AIMS) were used for data collection. Student-athletes in countries with laissez-faire systems perceived the difficulty of combining family care (p = 0.024; ES = 0.31), the time required to practice sport (p = 0.005; ES = 0.38), as well as the limitation of timetables (p < 0.001; ES = 0.52) and places that make sport practice possible (p < 0.001; ES = 0.73) as barriers. In conclusion, when a country’s educational system does not have structured support systems for dual careers, student-athletes perceive more barriers, regardless of their sporting level.
Physical Education Teachers’ Representations of Their Training to Promote the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
Publication . Celestino, Tadeu Ferreira de Sousa Celestino; Jales Ribeiro, Esperança; Morgado, Elsa Gabriel; Leonido, Levi; Pereira, Antonino
School inclusion is based on the need to adopt and implement a holistic view of education, training, and human development embodied in the idea of everyone, for everyone. In the context of Physical Education (PE), there are still several constraints to the realization of this universal desideratum. Among these, teacher training and qualification for the inclusion of students with Specific Health Needs (SHNs) stands out. That is, students with physical and mental health problems whose impact is significantly manifested in the learning process. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the representations of PE teachers about their training to develop inclusive processes with students with SES. Participants in this study were 151 PE teachers from different regions and districts of Portugal (Algarve, Aveiro, Castelo Branco, Lisbon, Porto, and Viseu) who had 23.6 ± 8.1 years of teaching service. Teachers answered an online questionnaire, on the Google Forms platform, with open and closed questions about their education and training to develop inclusive processes in PE. The results indicate two significant dimensions: (1) initial training for teaching inclusive PE and (2) continuous training for inclusion. Regarding initial training, a large majority of the teachers under study, at the end of their initial training, did not have the essential skills to teach PE to students with SES. It was also identified that a large majority reported not having had any contact with students with SES throughout their training process for teaching. It was also recognized that this training was not adjusted to the development of intervention skills with students with SHN. Regarding continuous training, it was identified that attendance at this training increased their skills to teach PE to students with SHN. Workshops/actions/training courses are the main training models adopted. However, it is recognized that the training provided does not respond concretely to their training needs to intervene with students with SHN, since teachers essentially seek to improve intervention in the context of inclusive physical education. We conclude that teacher training for inclusion is not yet fully adjusted to the reality of the inclusive school paradigm. In this sense, in practical terms, the following are suggested: (1) the need for reinforcement in study plans with specific and long-term curricular units; (2) the introduction of real practice components in context; and (3) supervised pedagogical practice in diverse contexts.
Effects of theta-binaural beats auditory stimulation on creativity, psychological well-being and mood states of university students: Pilot study
Publication . Mendes, Liliana; Leonido, Levi; Pereira, Antonino; Morgado, Elsa Gabriel
This study investigates the impact of theta-frequency binaural beats (BB) on creativity, mood, and psychological well-being in university students, addressing the growing interest and controversy surrounding this auditory stimulation technique. A quantitative, correlational, quasi-experimental design was employed, involving 26 university students aged 18–54 (96.2% female, 3.8% male). Participants listened to theta BB (6-Hz beat frequency on a 250 Hz carrier) for 20 minutes daily using the Binaural Beats App. Instruments included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the reduced Creative Personality Scale (EPC), the short Profile of Mood States Questionnaire (POMS), and the Psychological Well-Being Manifestation Scale (EMMBEP). Results revealed significant improvements in creativity, psychological well-being, and reduced total mood disturbance after exposure to theta BB. Significant differences in total mood disturbance across assessment moments highlighted the intervention's time-sensitive benefits. The study highlights the potential of theta-frequency BB to enhance psychological well-being, mood, and creativity among university students. These findings contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the utility of BB as a non-invasive tool for improving mental and emotional states. Theta BB may serve as an accessible and cost-effective method for promoting mental health and fostering creativity in educational and therapeutic settings.